Friday, February 25, 2011

Age and wisdom

In the words of Socrates, "The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know."  Age is definitely helping me realize that there is a depth of knowledge that I have failed to learn over time. As I near my 50th birthday, I realize that the more I understand about people around me, but more I can learn about myself.  This statement, coming from a validated introvert, actually means I am becoming more interested in the people around me and what I can learn from them.  My interest is focused on their life's experience and how it has affected them rather than the knowledge they have.

Last night's lesson came during my first book club meeting.  There were three other women in the group, a retired English teacher, a health care professional, and the leader.  We all read the same book, but getting their points of view reflected the things that were of interest to them.  While we had similar items of interest, we also had points that one person totally missed, while the others thought them quite note worthy.  The women in this group were either older than I or of similar age group, but we all had quite different life experiences which made us pay attention to the various items of interest.

Another lesson I learned yesterday is that young people, people in their 30's, are involved in serious life altering decision making processes.  A co-worker's husband is taking the same journey in life that I did in my late 30's.  As I hear the story from my co-worker's point of view, I am contemplating the best path to help her either a) understand her husband's search; let him go and find his own way or b) give her information that might make him alter his path, which would be better for her.  For me to give this advice brings me back to my original sentiment, I am not smart enough to help in this decision making.  What's right for him is right for him - not me, nor his wife.  OR is it our lot in life to guide each other through sharing our life's experiences and hope that we make a difference along the way? 

I have learned a great deal when friends and family have offered advice to understand my behaviors.  I have appreciated their insight.  So am I smart enough to help others deal with their lives or do I still have a lot to learn?  Do I have to offer advice or can I live by example and hope that what I have learned is available to those who would benefit?  The answer is the unknown future, and again I realize, "The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know."

Namaste (meaning..the wisdom in me bows to the wisdom in you). .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The colors of winter

I've heard people saying they're so tired of winter and how ugly it looks outside.  Here's an image that contradicts that statement.  The snow in the country reflects the colors of the sky.  During sunrise and sunset, we get to see pinks, oranges, blues and various shades in between.  The reflection on the snow looks like a water color reflection off of water. 

During the day, the colors display various shades of gray:  steel gray, purple-gray, red-gray, blue gray, green gray.  There are shades of brown and black intermixed with the with the grays and whites.

While the landscape does not show the brilliant greens of spring, there's no shortage of colors to admire in the winter landscape.  If you are tired of the winter and need a pick-me-up, take a drive out to the country.  Bundle up with layers of clothes, bring your dog, take a walk and soak in some winter beauty.