Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Episodes of Happiness

When I wake up first thing in the morning, my first thought is to figure out what day it is.  This morning, I ran through the grey matter in my mind and figured out it was not a Saturday or Sunday.  My first thought was to be grumpy that I had to go to work.  Then I remembered I had set it up to work from home today.  I was no longer grumpy.  This was an episode of happiness.

Another episode occurred as Abbie and I walked this morning.  She ran into another sharp object this weekend and ended up getting seven stitches in her leg.  Monday morning, she quit walking halfway into the walk.  Yesterday morning, she was so woozy with the medication that we didn't even walk.  This morning, she is on the mend, running like the wind, stirring up dust in the fields.  I experienced an episode of happiness.

Yet another episode happened last night.  Ken and I decided to have fish and chips for supper.  He had caught a nice catch of bluegill on Sunday.  We ate half the batch that night.  Instead of freezing the second half, I thought we might want fish again this week.  We did.  There was a small episode of happiness. 

We set up the fry daddy in the "north kitchen," Ken's man cave.  A new NCIS episode was on TV, the chips came out perfect and the fish was melt-in-your mouth delicious.  Ken said, "Lays had nothing on my chips."  When my husband loves eating my food, I experience an episode of happiness.

I could go on and on describing more episodes of happiness; moments in time with my sisters this last weekend, satisfaction in completing tasks on my lists at home and work, etc., but it's time to get to the point. Happiness can be a state of mind.  If you make up your mind to be happy, you will be.  However, these episodes of happiness are the moments you remember.  These moments are marked with a glowing satisfaction deep in your belly that moves all the way up to your brain and puts a smile on your face.  If you  can string enough episodes together, you could actually become giddy and are indeed blessed.

Wishing you an episode of happiness today and every day.