Thursday, March 6, 2008


Morning: The first or early part of the day. It happens to be my favorite part of the day. I am at my best when I have done my morning process: wake up, have coffee, workout, shower, and dress for the day. It is then that I am most fully awake, have the most brain power, the most creativity, and the most optimistic viewpoint.

In this current phase of my life, my mornings are spent preparing to go to my job.

Job: Any definite work undertaken in gross, especially for a fixed price.

While I like my job, it is not the best part of me - yet I spend the best part of my day preparing for my job. In this lenten season, it is a good time to consider the way we've always done things. I am rethinking the way I spend my mornings.

Good morning. I hope you have time today to consider that which is most important to you.


Sojourner said...

LOOORRRIIII! Where are you? No blogging in 3 weeks! Gasp! Are you ok?

LoriL said...

I know..... Vacation threw me off balance. I miss you as well. When are you coming back to Yoga?