I woke up early this morning thinking about my friends on Valentine's Day. New friends, old friends that I don't see anymore-but think about often, friends who moved to other states-but we still stay in touch via cell phone and e-mail, my husband, my sisters, my Mom, my aunt, golf friends, yoga friends, high school friends, college friends, a friend who lost her Mom this year, previous co-workers, new co-workers and then there are the friends who fit in multiple categories...they are truly special.
I have friends (OK - 1 friend) who knows me well enough to tell me when I'm being stupid and then there are my friends who teach me in more subtle ways.
I have my new yoga friends (students in my classes) who are becoming my friends. I know some of them by name, I know others more deeply, and there are those who are yet to be developed as friends. They are teaching me to be a better teacher and they have no idea how much they mean to me. There are many nights when I would rather go home and collapse after a long day at work but I go - I teach - and I walk away feeling like a Queen because I get hugs, I get thank you's, I get "I liked the music tonight," I get questions, I get feedback. I get so much as I receive the many positive vibrations.
I am so blessed to be surrounded by people who are talented, bright, intelligent, and who like me. That is the part that woke me up early and made me think of the riches in my life. What an incredible place we live in where people are brought together who enrich our lives by becoming a friend. I have a new friend who might say that I sent this request out into the universe, and this is my gift. Wow - what a fabulous universe.
I believe that my friends are a result of my philosophy that for every action there is an equal re-action. My intention is to be a positive link in the chain link effect - to honor and respect others so people feel good about themselves and can pass that feeling on to the people in their lives. The chain link effect can also be negative and is easier to explain. Example: If I am mean or rude to "Person A" during the day, Person A will probably get mad and bring that frustration to people in his/her life that day. In a chain-link effect, Person A's frustration will trickle down to others (Person B's) and Person B's likewise will trickle down to Person C's, etc, etc, etc.
While I don't believe that I am the cause and effect of all of the negativity in our world, I do feel that the chain link effect of negativity is portrayed on the news stories about the violence in our world. Wouldn't it be easier (and better) to treat each other with respect and honor so that the chain link effect goes up in a positive way instead of affecting each other negatively?
But I have digressed and I need to start my day - so I close by thanking all of you who are my friends. Happy Valentine's Day.
I think what attracts everyone to you initially is your incredible smile - you are always so warm, welcoming and non-judgmental. That has a lot to do with the positive vibes you share. Looks like you have found the "Secret". It never fails that when I am in a foul mood - all that negativity comes right back to me from others. You put it very nicely.
I thought I left a comment on here awhile ago. But apparently not. Or perhaps I failed to post it properly.
Anyway, I am coming to believe very stronly in that chain link effect. I guess I look at it more like a ripple effect. And the reason for that is that I truly believe we are all ONE. So what happens to one happens to all. Like the pebble being dropped into the water. See, being all one makes us a bit like a body of water. The closer we are to the spot the pebble dropped, in the stronger the effects we feel. But just because we don't see the effects as the ripples move farther away doesn't mean they aren't there. They are- just perhaps further under the surface.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Keep on blogging!
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