- The two banquets - Wisdom's (1-6, 11) with seasoned meat and wine, inviting the simple to her table, and Folly's (13-18) with stolen water and secretly gotten bread and guests of the nether world.
- Verses 7-9 covering how to interact with arrogant or wicked men, and with wise men
- Verses 10 and 12 (because verse 11 is between 6 and 7) discussing the beginning of wisdom and understanding (through fear of the Lord and knowledge of the Holy One).
- There are also some great words:
noun \-brē-əm\
: very strong disapproval or criticism of a person or thing especially by a large number of people
: something that brings disgrace
: public disgrace or ill fame that follows from conduct considered grossly wrong or vicious
fol•ly (13)
noun \ˈfä-lē\
: the lack of good sense or judgment
: a foolish act or idea : foolish behavior
: a very unusual or fancy building that was built in a garden for decoration or amusement in the past
noun \ˈfä-lē\
: the lack of good sense or judgment
: a foolish act or idea : foolish behavior
: a very unusual or fancy building that was built in a garden for decoration or amusement in the past
inane (13)
adjective \i-ˈnān\
: very silly or stupid
: empty, insubstantial
adjective \i-ˈnān\
: very silly or stupid
: empty, insubstantial
The best story about Wisdom's banquet came from Shelley's e-mail yesterday describing the banquet that the Lord has put out for her and her family. Many good things were served, some hard things were included, but the banquet was definitely served by wisdom, and received in the way of understanding.
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