According to the footnotes, verses 1-19 should be part of chapter 30, so I read chapter 30. It's a little like reading the last chapter of the book before you get to the end, so I decided not to try and merge all of those thoughts.
Verses 1-19 are helpful.
- 1-5 remind me of Grandma's statement, neither a borrower nor a lender be - or if you do need to borrow, pay it back ASAP
- 6-11 say work hard like the (female) ant and don't be lazy.
- 12-15 describes an evil person
- 16-19 finally give us some meat - the seven things that are an abomination to the Lord. The thing that makes me wonder is - which of these seven are the six things the Lord hates?
- Haughty eyes
- a lying tongue
- hands that shed innocent blood
- a heart that plots wicked schemes
- feet that run swiftly to evil
- false witness who utters lies (perhaps this is the same as #2 so there are really only 6 things)?
- he who sows discord among brothers
Then, of course, verses 20-35 go back to adultery focusing more on not having adultery with a married woman because the payback is worse than with an unmarried woman.
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