Thursday, September 16, 2010

Morning walk motivation

Fall in the midwest is truly here. The colors of the soybean fields are absolutely stunning as they turn colors from dark green to gold and even a bit of lavender on the top.

As Abbie(our dog) and I walked this morning, we wanted to share our morning motivation with you. This summer, we decided to start walking in the morning before she had to go into her kennel for the day (when we leave for work).

Both of us have come to enjoy our time in nature so much that there is absolutely no excuse that will keep us from our morning walk now. Sometimes we even go for the same walk in the afternoon when I get home from work. We have done a lot of bonding and training on our walks. It is so much fun to see her puppiness as she jumps in the water puddles and stretches out her legs when she runs. You can tell when we've had a good training session which we do during the walk (come, touch, heel). She will bound down the road, tail high in the air, showing her pleasure that she did the right thing. It makes me smile - a lot.

So as we move through the beginning of fall (and contemplate winter's excuses not to walk), this is a great time to start a walking habit. Please consider contacting your local Humane Society to see if there is a puppy waiting to be your morning walk motivation. Our local Humane Society has an over supply of dogs right now - and are having an adoption sale. I wasn't a dog person before Abbie - but I have learned to love her and am so grateful that she makes our morning walk a necessary pleasure in our life.

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